
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

11 Responses to About

  1. Very informative. I approve.

  2. bozoboy87 says:

    Hi, that was just a test. I forgot i even had this blog.I found it yesterday and posted just to see if it was active. I cant get into my other main site cherrybombcoutour.blogspot.com. Stop in again and ill have something more sane to say. Thanks

  3. Hey Boz, hope you don’t mind me posting this here.( I know you’ll find this interesting)

    St Bosco,

    You seem to like the sweeties..
    Here’s a real looker extoling the ‘virtues’ of quack faith healer john of god of Brazil on Toronto News Channel…
    AND…claiming……. “Absolutely. A lot of Catholics will say, “I don’t agree with that.” But just two weeks ago, John of God got … acclamation from the Pope.

    [From Pope Benedecit?]

    “Yeah! And right under the wire there before he retires.
    Yeah! Well he proclaimed that this was the healing work of God. This really helps. Now he’s been deemed to be working through Catholicism.”


  4. St Bosco says:

    Thanks. You are welcome to come here anytime and i never moderate anything. I dont know why it asked my approval. I thought i set it up to let anything go.

  5. Your blogs are so hateful.

  6. FYI, I blocked you on my wordpress. You are extraordinarily hateful and you never read anything.

    I once said Hell was made for you. I changed my mind. Hell’s too good for you.

    • St Bosco says:

      I tried to have no filter. All comments should go thru without moderation. Thanks for visiting my site. Come again when you feel like venting.

      • Chalcedon gave me good advice today. Picture you as a misguided missionary that hasn’t learned how to minister to the natives. Well…I’m the natives and we’re a cannibalistic culture and I can’t speak for my tribe but I haven’t eaten a meal since approximately 10:30am this morning. Oh, how nice! There’s this missionary that’s been bothering us here!

  7. St Bosco says:

    Thats nice brother Newengland. Good advise from brother Chalcedon. But one has to take him with a grain of salt. Look at the religion hes in. He belongs to a cult of personality that bows befor graven images, and he thinks theres no problem with it.

  8. St Bosco says:

    Temper temper. Anger management is in order.

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